Recent Publications in Music
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Music and ethical responsibility . :x,205pages:.
2014. Music and identity in Ireland and beyond. :xii,325pages.
2014. Music at midnight : the life and poetry of George Herbert /. :xix,395pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2014. Music, culture and identity in the Muslim world : performance, politics and piety /. 22:xiv,301pages:.
2014. Music education as critical theory and practice : selected essays /. :xxiii,351pages;.
2014. Music technology in therapeutic and health settings . :399pages:.
2014. .
2014. .
2014. Networks of music and culture in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries : a collection of essays in celebration of Peter Philips's 450th anniversary /. :xxviii,298pages:.
2014. .
2014. The Oxford handbook of film music studies . :x,683pages:.
2014. Perspectives on the performance of French piano music. :xxiv,210pages:.
2014. The Pete Seeger reader . :xv,268pages;:.
2014. Playing the cello, 1780-1930 . :xxiv,274pages:.
2014. Portrait gallery : a life in classical music /. :xiv,306pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2014. Post-War French popular music : cultural identity and the Brel-Brassens-Ferré myth /. :179pages;24cm..
2014. Pro tools 11 : music production, recording, editing, and mixing /. :xi,500pages:illustrations;.
2014. Process control instrumentation technology . :ii,680pages:.
2014. Punk rock warlord : the life and work of Joe Strummer /. :xii,197pages:.
2014. Roadshow! : the fall of film musicals in the 1960s /. :x,307pages:.
2014. .
2014. The Routledge companion to music and visual culture. :xviii,391pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2014. .
2014. Rumours of glory : a memoir /. :1onlineresource.
2014. Sacred music in secular society . :xv,171pages;.