In 2003, Resonant (Centre for Musical Heritage) developed Muziekbank Vlaanderen(link is external), a database for musical heritage in Flanders and Brussels. It holds descriptions of archives and collections from composers and music organizations in private and public holding institutions.
The Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles presents a list (PDF)(link is external) made by Marie Cornaz with documents and collections from the 17th century onwards in different holding institutions.
The database enables the identification and location of holdings of or dealing with Performing Arts in France. It contains descriptions of music, theatre and dance resources. It is administered by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Département des Arts du spectacle), the French Ministry of Culture and the Centre national du théâtre. is external)
Union Catalogue of Fonds and Autographs in Germany. is external)
The Directorate-General of Archives of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activity has sustained since 2009 a multi-level project aiming to give access to descriptions and digital versions of music documents. It provides scholars and musicians with a database including descriptions from Archivi di Stato, Soprintendenze archivistiche, public and private institutions and foundations.
In accordance with AMA's focus, the portal features a basic set of records according to ISAD and EAD standards: owning institution ; fund/s (or collection/s) ; creator/s (or collector/s)
If more detailed inventories are available, links are provided. A number of them still exist, but on different and often obsolete media that have to be updated and eventually transferred. Luckily, future developments aim to also include ISAD level 3 and 4 implementation. is external)
South Africa
The South African Music Archive Project (SAMAP) aims to create an online resource on South African music and associated cultural heritage, so as to promote multidisciplinary research in the field of popular music and culture. SAMAP has been created under the auspices of the Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service. is external)
The Music and Dance Documentation Center of the Ministery of Culture of Spain, with the help of AEDOM, the Spanish Branch of IAML (Project AMA) and RISM Spain, presented in 2014 a map with the locations of 350 Spanish public institutions (archives, libraries, and documentation centres) that hold fonds and heritage collection related to music (musical manuscripts, sound recordings and instrument collections).
The information includes a short history of the institutions, a list of specific fonds, and a bibliography of each institution. is external)
Register to music archives in the Music Library of Sweden, Stockholm, in Swedish only: is external)
Register to music archival materials around Sweden, in Swedish only: is external)
Link to the National Archival Database of Sweden, in English, German and Swedish: (link is external)
United Kingdom and Ireland
On-line guide to music collections in archives, libraries and museums in the UK and Ireland. is external)