National Report submission form

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National branches are at the heart of IAML and their annual reports document a year's activity between international congresses. Reports are reviewed by the Forum of National Representatives during the congress and they provide stimulating reading for members, helping them to share knowledge and experience.

It is a requirement for all national reports to be published on the IAML website early enough for national branch representatives and others attending the congress to read them in advance. The IAML Secretary General will each year announce the latest submission date that will ensure that sufficient time remains to edit, format and make available all reports on the website. Early submissions are always welcome.

This form is designed to gather information in a consistent format to make it easier to cross-reference reports from different branches. Except for the few compulsory questions that have a red star alongside, all other categories are optional. It would be helpful where there are lists of names to enter them on separate lines. All of the text boxes can be enlarged to allow for you to enter any length of free-form text.

If you have any images (up to four) that you would like to show in the published report on the website please upload them using the boxes provided at the end and show in your text, e.g. [Photo 1], where they should be placed.

Report text may be submitted in any of IAML’s official languages: English, français, Deutsch.

When you have finished your submission, scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Submit button to send it. A formatted version of the report will be made available on this website.

Finally, please check your own National Branch page on this website to ensure that details are up to date. Please send any changes needed to