
Terms of reference
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to increase and diversify IAML's membership by reaching out to individuals and institutions associated with music in libraries, archives or documentation centres, particularly in regions currently under-represented in the Association. The Committee seeks to identify and promote the value of membership in the Association and encourage the active engagement of members. It also works closely with the Advocacy and Outreach Committees. The Committee should have between 10 and 15 members, with a balanced national branch distribution a priority. The Treasurer and Secretary General are ex-officio members.

If you have suggestions for ways in which members' experiences in the Association can be enhanced, please feel free to contact


JeongYoun Chang, chair 2018-2022 ; co-chair 2022-2025 (South Korea)
Katie Lai, co-chair 2022-2025 (Hong Kong)


Kimmy Szeto (Treasurer, ex officio)
Anders Cato (Secretary General, ex officio)
Alexandros Charkiolakis (Greece)
Anat Viks (Israel)
Rhys Thorn (New Zealand)
Ruaya Sulaiman Al-Kharusi (Oman)
Željka Radovinović (Croatia)

Past officers: 

2017-2018: Jane Gottlieb, US (chair)
2015-2017: James Cassaro, US (chair)


English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish