IAML gives Publications Awards annually to the best article and the best review published in Fontes Artis Musicae. Awards are approved by the Board upon the recommendation of the Publications Awards Subcommittee.

Vladimir Federov
The Vladimir Fédorov Award is given annually to the best article published in Fontes Artis Musicae in a given volume year. It is named for Vladimir Fédorov (1901–1979), the first Editor-in-Chief of the journal from its beginning in 1954 (Volume 1) until 1975 (Volume 22). A scholar of Russian music, from 1933 until his retirement in 1966, he held a number of appointments as librarian. First at the Sorbonne (1933–1939), the Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine (1944–1946), and finally at the Département de la musique at the Bibliothèque national de France (1944–1966). He was honored by his colleagues with a Festschift in honor of his sixty-fifth birthday, which was published in Fontes 13, no. 1 (January-April 1966).
Armin Brinzing: "A Mozart Library in National Socialist Germany." Fontes Artis Musicae 70, no. 4 (2023): 281-299. Link to Project Muse.
Jonathan Frank: "Nourmahal's Song: An Unknown Coleridge-Taylor Work." Fontes Artis Musicae 69, no. 2 (April–June 2022): 142-156. Link to Project Muse.
Margaret R. Butler: "Opening a Celebrity’s Closet: Cecilia Davies and the de Bellis Collection." Fontes Artis Musicae 68, no. 4 (October–December 2021): 288-312. Link to Project Muse.
Elizabeth Berndt-Morris and Sandi-Jo Malmon: "Surveying Composers: Methods of Distribution, Discoverability, and Accessibility of Their Works and the Corresponding Impact on Library Collections." Fontes Artis Musicae 67, no. 2 (April-June 2020): 81-98. Link to Project Muse.
2019 (tie)
Anita Breckbill and Hannah Jo Smith: "Follow the Baton:The Story of the Wagner Siegfried Idyll Baton." Fontes Artis Musicae 66, no. 3 (July-September 2019): 252-261. Link to Project Muse.
Nancy November and Phillippa McKeown-Green: "Creating and Integrating Video Clips to Develop Music Historical Literacy Skills." Fontes Artis Musicae 66, no. 4 (October-December 2019): 323-335. Link to Project Muse.
Patricia Puckett Sasser: “A Recording Artist: Enrico Caruso and His Scrapbooks.” Fontes Artis Musicae 65, no. 3 (July-September 2018): 157-169. Link to Project Muse.
Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl: “Early Music Prints and New Technology: Variants and Variant Editions.” Fontes Artis Musicae 64, no. 3 (July-September 2017): 244–259. Link to Project Muse.
Sandra Tuppen, Stephen Rose, and Loukia Drosopoulou: “Library Catalogue Records as a Research Resource: Introducing ‘A Big Data History of Music’.” Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 2 (April-June 2016): 67–88. Link to Project Muse.
François Lesure
The François Lesure Award is given annually to the best review published in Fontes Artis Musicae in a given volume year. It is named for François Lesure (1923–2001), the first Editor of the ‘Books Reviews’ column in the journal, beginning in 1976 (Volume 23) until 1987 (Volume 34). Lesure’s research was broad in scope, ranging from topics on the sociology of music, sixteenth-century French music, Debussy, and bibliography of all periods. Beginning in 1950, he was a librarian in the Département de la musique at the Bibliothèque national de France, becoming its Head in 1970, a post he held until his retirement in 1988. Lesure offered his remembrances of IAML in the fiftieth anniversary issue of Fontes (‘Souvenirs, Souvenirs’, 48, no. 1 [January-March 2001]: 25–26).
Peter Asimov: Review of Accenting the Classics: Editing European Music in France, 1915–1925, by Deborah Mawer, et al. Fontes Artis Musicae 70, no. 4 (2023): 339-341. Link to Project Muse.
Nigel Simeone: Review of Musique et musiciens à Paris pendant la Grande Guerre: Les Chemins du patriotism, by Charlotte Segond-Genovesi. Fontes Artis Musicae 69, no. 2 (April–June 2022): 159-161. Link to Project Muse.
Nalini Ghuman, review of Kaikhosru Sorabji’s Letters to Philip Heseltine (Peter Warlock), ed. by Brian Inglis and Barry Smith. Fontes Artis Musicae 68, no. 4 (October–December 2021): 361-365. Link to Project Muse.
Jonathan Impett, review of Nostalgia for the Future: Luigi Nono's Selected Writings and Interviews ed. by Angela Ide De Benedictis and Veniero Rizzardi. Fontes artis musicae 67, no. 4 (October-December 2020): 381-383. Link to Project Muse.
Eivind Buene, review of Delius and Norway by Andrew J. Boyle. Fontes artis musicae 66, no. 1 (January-March 2019): 65-67. Link to Project Muse.
Katharine Hogg, review of Consuming Music: Individuals, Institutions, Communities, 1730-1830 ed. by Emily H. Green and Catherine Mayes. Fontes Artis Musicae 65, no. 2 (April-June 2018): 109-111. Link to Project Muse.
Hayley Fenn, review of Opera. Complete Archive (Vol. 1 [February 1950]–). Fontes Artis Musicae 64, no. 3 (July-September 2017): 310–312. Link to Project Muse.
Terry Dean, review of Sergey Prokofiev Diaries, 1915–1923: Behind the Mask and Sergey Prokofiev Diaries, 1924–1933: Prodigal Son translated and annotated by Anthony Phillips. Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 2 (April-June 2016): 151–156. Link to Project Muse.