Recent Publications in Music

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Evans M.  2013.  Bowie treasures . :62pages:.
Treece D..  2013.  Brazilian jive : from samba to bossa and rap /. :232pages:.
Davies G, Moore D.  2013.  The Brecon jazz story in photographs . :152pages:.
Ippolito J.M.  2013.  A brief musical history . :143p.:.
British Automobile Racing Club,.  2013.  The British Automoblie Racing Club. .
Combe D.  2013.  British cylinder manufacturers . no. 23:21pages:.
Scowcroft PL.  2013.  British light music : a personal gallery of 20th-century composers /. :179pages:.
Seddon L..  2013.  British women composers and instrumental chamber music in the early twentieth century . :229pages:.
Matthews D.  2013.  Britten . :xii,203pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
[Anonyme].  2013.  The Broons and Oor Wullie. . :1volume(unpaged):.
Balmer P..  2013.  Build your own electric guitar . :160p.:.
[Anonyme].  2013.  Buy & play the acoustic guitar. . :130p.:.
Combe D.  2013.  Caledoniana 2 : more music from Scotland from phonograph and gramophone records given for the CLPGS, 2008 /. no. 5:18pages:.
Combe D.  2013.  Caledoniana : a concert of Scottish music from phonograph cylinders given for the CLPGS, 2007 /. no. 4:29pages:.
European Cantors Association,.  2013.  Cantors banter .
Bizet G.  2013.  Carmen. :376pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Shaw L.  2013.  Carmen Miranda . :vi,158pages:.
Benn T.  2013.  Chamber music . :322pages;.
Millward S..  2013.  Changing times : music and politics in 1964 /. :ix,357pages;.
Hodges C.  2013.  Chas & Dave : all about us /. :xii,305pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Ingalls MMarie., Landau C, Wagner T.  2013.  Christian congregational music : performance, identity and experience /. :xii,228pages:.
Govan C.  2013.  Christina Aguilera . :v,245pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Culshaw P.  2013.  Clandestino : in search of Manu Chao /. :352pages:.
Howard S.  2013.  Clarinet manual : how to buy, set up and maintain a Boehm system clarinet /. :196p.:.
Bastlová E.  2013.  Collectio operum musicalium quae in Bibliotheca Kinsky adservantur. vol. VIII:381pages:.
