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J. McCaleb M.  2014.  Embodied knowledge in ensemble performance . :xix,140pages:.
Dong AE, Dong L., See L..  2014.  Forbidden City, USA : Chinese American nightclubs, 1936-1970 /. :216pages:.
DiBlasi A, Willis V.  2014.  Geek rock : an exploration of music and subculture /. :xxi,204pages;.
Dobozy B.  2014.  Georg Anton Benda és csembalószonátái : tradíció, háttér, korszellem. :143p..
Serna D.  2014.  Guitar theory for dummies . :x,294pages:.
Fernández-de-Latorre R..  2014.  Historia de la música militar de España: ampliada con referencias a composiciones guerreras, marciales, reales, patrióticas, políticas, paramilitares, procesionales y líricas de inspiración castrense . :688p..
[Anonyme].  2014.  Hi-tech gear guide ... : synths, software, plug-ins, mics, monitors & more..
Ansdell G.  2014.  How music helps in music therapy and everyday life . :xviii,351pages:.
Höhn J.  2014.  Hudební nástroje. . řada 1, díl 9:111s.:.
Deane R.  2014.  In my own light : a memoir . :v,260pages.
Hood A.  2014.  Interpreting Chopin : analysis and performance /. :xx,236pages:.
O'Donnell MLouise.  2014.  Ireland's harp: the shaping of Irish identity c. 1770-1880. :192pages.
Cox G, Horton J.  2014.  Irish musical analysis: IMS 11. Irish musical studies. 11:320pages.
Barber C, Shipton A.  2014.  Jazz me blues : the autobiography of Chris Barber /. :vii,172pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Gridley MC.  2014.  Jazz styles . :ii,534pages:.
Wallis J, Cram D, Wardhaugh B.  2014.  John Wallis : writings on music /. :239pages:.
Moylan T.  2014.  Johnny O'Leary of Sliabh Luachra: dance music from the Cork-Kerry border. :xvi,238pages.
Richards K, Egan S.  2014.  Keith Richards on Keith Richards : interviews & encounters /. :x,274pages;.
Kovarsky J.  2014.  Keyboard for dummies . :xii,340pages:.
O'Marde D.  2014.  King Short Shirt : nobody go run me : the life and times of Sir McLean Emanuel /. :244pages:.
Iddon M, Marshall ML.  2014.  Lady Gaga and popular music : performing gender, fashion, and culture /. :vi,302pages:.
Lang ZAlexis.  2014.  The legacy of Johann Strauss : political influence and twentieth-century identity /. :xi,238pages:.
Deaville JAndrew, Saffle M.  2014.  Liszt's legacies : based on papers presented at the International Liszt Conference held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 28-31 July 2011 /. IV:xviii,408pages:.
Carroll R., Hansen A..  2014.  Litpop : writing and popular music /. :xiv,243pages;.
Lowerre K.  2014.  The lively arts of the London stage, 1675-1725 . :xv,306pages:.
