Recent Publications in Music

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McNeil R..  2014.  The Australian symphony from Federation to 1960. :xii,237pages:music;25cm.
Brown J..  2014.  Behind the boards II : the making of rock 'n' roll's greatest records revealed /. :viii,292pages;23cm.
Greene T.  2014.  The Boehm flute in Irish traditional music. :ix,122pages.
Clinton G, Greenman B.  2014.  Brothers be "yo like George, ain't that funkin' kinda hard on you?" : a memoir / :x,404pages:.
Mitchell PRewse, Marshall-Luck E.  2014.  Bugles call : British composers of the First World War /. :44pages:.
Cleveland S, Clark JC.  2014.  Careers in music librarianship III : reality and reinvention . no. 33:xi,217pages:.
Albertine, iv V.  2014.  Clothes, clothes, clothes, music, music, music, boys, boys, boys. :ix,421pages:illustrations;24cm.
Ceredigion Young Farmers Clubs,.  2014.  Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion yn cyflwyno : Cystadleuaeth Hanner awr adloniant 2014 /. :20unnumberedpages:.
Belgiojoso R.  2014.  Constructing urban space with sounds and music . :vii,126pages:.
Bailey J.  2014.  The cultural impact of Kanye West . :xxx,261pages;.
O'Reilly M.  2014.  Dancehall days : when showbands ruled the stage . :326pages.
Che C.  2014.  Deborah Harry : the biography /. :xv,288pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Walker J.  2014.  Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare . 62:xxvi,678pages:.
Drake NJ.  2014.  A deeper note : the 'informal' theology of contemporary sung worship /. W218:28pages;.
Klause I.  2014.  Der Klang des Gulag : Musik und Musiker in den sowjetischen Zwangsarbeitslagern der 1920er- bis 1950er-Jahre /. :691pages:.
Dwyer B.  2014.  Different voices: Irish music and music in Ireland. :284pages.
Deer J.  2014.  Directing in musical theatre : an essential guide /. :xxiii,250pages:.
