Recent Publications in Music
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Bach Musik für die Himmelsburg. :734Seiten.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. Bartók Béla. :517p..
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. Bartók-kalauz . :271p..
2016. The Beach Boys 1961-1963 : inception & conception : from Hite Morgan to Nick Venet /. :1onlineresource.
2016. .
2016. Before Bach and Telemann : the style and structure of unaccompanied Austro-German works for violin in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries /. :viii86leaves,bound:music,illustrations;30cm..
2016. Béla Bartók: pictures of a life . :543p..
2016. Béni Egressy. Hungarian composers. 37:48p..
2016. .
2016. Big blue sky : growing up and making waves in the best place on earth.. :448pages,48pagesofplates:illustrations(chieflycolour),portraits(somecolour);25cm.
2016. Big life. :229pages,12unnumberedpages:illustrations;22cm..
2016. Blood, sweat & beers : Oz rock from the Aztecs to Rose Tattoo /. :408pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:illustrations;20cm..
2016. .
2016. Bowie A to Z : the life of an icon from Aladdin Sane to Ziggy Stardust /. :1volume(unpaged):.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. Bukkyō no koe no waza : satori no shintaisei /. :x,293,7pages:.
2016. Bunraku no onna : Yoshida Minosuke no sekai /. :231pages:.