Recent Publications in Music
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Filtres: Engle-i-mit-cockpit-en-rocknroll-rejse-mod-en-anden-virkelighed est [Clear All Filters]
Enrique Granados : poeta del piano. :269p..
2016. Entre la jeunesse et la sagesse : l'album de famille des sœurs McGarrigle /. :345pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2016. Environmental sound artists : in their own words /. :xxvii,204pages:.
2016. Erik Satie : a Parisian composer and his world . :xxxiv,269pages:illustrations,map,music.
2016. Erikku sati oboegaki . :1;.
2016. Escribir sobre música. 1:221pages;.
2016. .
2016. Estudios sobre la influencia de la canción popular en el proceso de creación de música incidental. 1:368pages.
2016. Etnomusicología. 2:308pages..
2016. .
2016. Exploring the contemporary congregational song genre : texts, practice, and industry /. :xii,401pages:.
2016. Éva Gauthier : la voix de l'audace /. :266pages:.
2016. Far and wide : bring that horizon to me! /. :xx,282pages:.
2016. .
2016. The fifty year road to Riverdance. :100pages.
2016. "Folyosóról folyosóra", a variánsok útvesztői között : egy dallamtípus Fehér László-balladái . Szóhagyomány. :489p..
2016. Forever words : the unknown poems /. :132pages:.
2016. The forgotten songs of the Newfoundland outports : as taken from Kenneth Peacock's Newfoundland field collection, 1951-1961 /. 87:xxii,434pages:.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. Freddie Mercury : a kind of magic /. :223pages:.
2016. From Structure to Narrative. Music Theory and Analysis. :167p..
2016. From Structure to Narrative. International Conference Music Theory and Analysis. :167.
2016. .