The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

Call for applications for the position of IAML Newsletter Editor

IAML is seeking a new Editor for its electronic Newsletter. The primary function of the Newsletter is to provide a place where IAML members can share up-to-date information. However, under the current Editor, the Newsletter has developed a much broader role and flourishes as a gathering place for relevant news from the wider world of music.

Call for applications for the position of Secretary General

IAML is seeking a new Secretary General to take up the position after the Moscow Conference in July 2010.

This is a key position within IAML, responsible for running the day-to-day business of the Association.

Main activities include timetabling the professional programme for the annual conferences, preparing agendas for Board, Council, and General Assembly meetings, taking minutes for all these meetings, and ensuring that all elections (Branch and Commission; Presidential and Vice-Presidential) are administered correctly.

IVMB Aufruf zur nominierung von Wahlkandidaten

An alle IVMB-Mitglieder

Kandidaten für die Wahlen zum Präsidenten und Vize-Präsidenten im Jahre 2010

Lassen Sie mich bitte daran erinnern, dass jedes IVMB-Mitglied das Recht hat, Kandidaten für die Posten des Präsidenten und der vier Vize-Präsidenten vorzuschlagen.

Die Statuten besagen, dass “eine unmittelbare Wiederwahl des Präsidenten nur in Ausnahmefällen erfolgt. Vize-Präsidenten können nicht länger als zwei Wahlperioden unmittelbar hintereinander amtieren”.


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