Recent Publications in Music
Embodied human-computer interaction in vocal music performance . :1onlineresource(xii,81pages):.
2023. Emlékek lepkeszárnyon 3. . :191.
2023. Empowering song : music education from the margins /. :xix,159pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. .
2023. .
2023. The evolution of Chinese popular music : modernization and globalization, 1927 to the present /. :218pages:.
2023. The evolution of Chinese popular music : modernization and globalization, 1927 to the present /. :xi,218pages:.
2023. .
2023. Exploring the ecologies of music and sound. . :1onlineresource.
2023. Ferences iskoladrámák. 4.[köt.]. Csíksomlyói passiójátékok, 1763-1774 . Régi magyar drámai emlékek. XVIII. század. 6/4:823.
2023. Ferences iskoladrámák. 5.[köt.]. A csíksomlyói Actiones Comicae, Actiones Tragicae kötetek színjátékai (1773-1780) . Régi magyar drámai emlékek. XVIII. század. 6/5:963.
2023. Ferruccio Busoni as architect of sound . :xiv,313pages:.
2023. .
2023. Finding your career in the modern audio industry . :xii,518pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. Franz Schubert : die Texte seiner Lieder und Gesänge und ihre Dichter /. Band 8:2volumes(xiii,1608pages):.
2023. Freddie Mercury : egy hang, egy élet, egy lélek. Magyar Hang-könyvek. :262.
2023. Freedom moves : hip hop knowledges, pedagogies, and futures /. 3.:xxvi,448pages:.
2023. French and Soviet musical diplomacies in post-war Austria, 1945-1955 . :1onlineresource(188pages)..
2023. From the ruins of Enlightenment : Beethoven and Schubert in their solitude /. :xviii,247pages:.
2023. Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night /. :xxvii,323pages:.
2023. George Herbert and early modern musical culture . :xvi,266pages:.