Recent Publications in Music

282 resultats trouvés
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Hartnoll P, Hartnoll P.  2020.  Halcyon and on and on : the story of Orbital and the rise of rave /. :1volume;.
Wang J.  2020.  Half sound, half philosophy : aesthetics, politics, and history of China's sound art /. :1onlineresource.
Collins N.  2020.  Handmade electronic music : the art of hardware hacking /. :1volume:.
DuBreuil A.  2020.  Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta : Explore the Role of Deep Learning in Music Generation and Assisted Music Composition.. :1onlineresource(348pages)..
Tibor B, Klára B, Gábor SGéza.  2020.  Hanglemez bélyegek . :243.
Norbert V.  2020.  Hangok és ütemek 4 : tíz életút zenével. :236.
Norbert V.  2020.  Hangok és ütemek 4 : tíz életút zenével . :236.
Van Straten F.  2020.  Hanky-panky : the theatrical escapades of Ernest C. Rolls /. :160pages:.
Wilfing A., Landerer C., Wilfing-Albrecht M..  2020.  Hanslick im Kontext Perspektiven auf die Ästhetik, Musikkritik und das historische Umfeld von Eduard Hanslick / Perspectives on the Aesthetics, Musical Criticism, and Historical Setting of Eduard Hanslick.. :1onlineresource(306p.).
Wottle M.  2020.  Harmoniska sällskapet i Stockholm, 1820-1865.
Roig-Francoli MA.  2020.  Harmony in context . :xix,774pages:.
Roig-Francolí MA.  2020.  Harmony in context . :xix,774pages:.
Humphries G.  2020.  Healer : the rise, fall and return of Tumbleweed /. :158pages;.
Erlmann V.  2020.  Hearing cultures : essays on sound, listening, and modernity /. :1onlineresource..
Wilcher P.  2020.  Heart Matters, Volume 2 : Passing Through the Veil.. :1onlineresource.
Downing K.K, Eglinton M.  2020.  Heavy duty : days and nights in Judas Priest /. :1volume:.
Franklin D.  2020.  Heavy : how metal changes the way we see the world /. :1onlineresource:.
Franklin D.  2020.  Heavy : how metal changes the way we see the world /. :1volume:.
Scaricaciottoli E, Díaz NVaras, Araujo DNevárez.  2020.  Heavy metal music in Argentina : in black we are seen /. :1onlineresource(xxiv,105pages)..
[Anonyme].  2020.  Hebdige and subculture in the twenty-first century : through the subcultural lens /. :1volume:.
Erwin M.  2020.  Herbert Eimert and the Darmstadt school : the consolidation of the avant-garde /. :1onlineresource.
Wittkowski D.  2020.  Herzensschwestern der Musik : Pauline Viardot und Clara Schumann : Briefe einer lebenslangen Freundschaft /. :173pages:.
