Recent Publications in Music

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Cremata R, Pignato JMichael, Powell B, Smith GDylan.  2020.  The music learning profiles project : let's take this outside /. :1volume;.
Wiseman B.  2020.  Music lessons . :pagescm.
Turbet R.  2020.  Music librarianship in the UK : fifty years of the British Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries /. :1onlineresource..
Dayan P.  2020.  The music of Dada : a lesson in intermediality for our times /. :1volume:.
Saffle M.  2020.  The music of Franz Liszt : stylistic development and cultural synthesis /. :1volume;.
Čurda M.  2020.  The music of Pavel Haas : analytical and hermeneutical studies /. :1onlineresource:.
Jones N, McGregor R.  2020.  The music of Peter Maxwell Davies . :1onlineresource:.
Hickmott S.  2020.  Music, philosophy and gender in Nancy, Lacoue-Labarthe, Badiou . :1volume:.
Michelsen M, Krogh M, Nielsen SKaargaard, Have I.  2020.  Music radio : building communities, mediating genres /. :1volume:.
Jackson AS, Luyk S..  2020.  Music research data management : a guide for librarians . Music Library Association technical reports series . :vii,142pages.
Strohm R.  2020.  The music road : coherence and diversity in music from the Mediterranean to India /. :1onlineresource:.
Pairon L.  2020.  Music saved them, they say : social impacts of music making and learning in Kinshasa (DR Congo) /. :1volume:.
Treece D.  2020.  Music scenes and migrations : space and transnationalism in Brazil, Portugal and the Atlantic /. :1volume;.
Morgan RP.  2020.  Music theory, analysis, and society : selected essays /. :1volume.
Wright O.  2020.  Music theory in the Safavid era : the taqsim al-nagamat /. :1volume;.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1volume:.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1onlineresource:.
Frenz B, J. Robinson B.  2020.  Music to silence to music : a biography of Henry Grimes /. :1onlineresource.
Farrell I, Mann K.  2020.  Music unlimited : the performer's guide to new audiences /. :1onlineresource..
Friedberg J, Applin C.  2020.  Music with babies and young children : activities to encourage bonding, communication and wellbeing /. :1volume:.
Friedberg J, Applin C.  2020.  Music with babies and young children : activities to encourage bonding, communication and wellbeing /. :1onlineresource:.
Medić M.  2020.  Musica ante oculos : ekfraza i njene vrline enargeia i ekplexis u vokalnoj muzici na razmeđu 16. i 17. veka. :VIII,307.
Arambarri A.  2020.  Música contra los muros. En el conflicto árabe-israelí. :244p..
Marco T.  2020.  Música en escena. :306p..
Díez-Antolinos L.  2020.  Música ex machina. Música ambiental, sujeto y contexto. :320p..
