The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

Elections will start 1 May!

[Versions in German and French - please, see below]

* Dear IAML-members,

In a week the elections for President and Vice-presidents will begin. The election will be open between 1st May 2013 and 31st May 2013. We have one candidate for President and five candidates for the four positions as Vice- Presidents. You will find links to voting instructions and CVs + photos of all candidates on the IAML Homepage.

Nominations for the 3rd edition of IMC Music Rights Award

Nominations for the 3rd edition of IMC Music Rights Award close on 15th of May. Please, contact IAMLs President Roger Flury ( in case you have a candidate you would like to nominate. The awards will be presented in November 2013 during the 5th IMC World Forum on Music in Brisbane.

Jahrestagung der deutschen Musikbibliotheken (AIBM) vom 10. bis 13. September 2013 in Berlin

Im 60. Jahr ihres Bestehens wird die deutsche Ländergruppe der Internationalen Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken, Musikarchive und Dokumentationszentren (AIBM) mit ihrer Jahrestagung vom 10. bis zum 13. September in Berlin zu Gast sein. Sie ist mit über 220 institutionellen und persönlichen Mitgliedern die zweitgrößte Ländergruppe weltweit, die sich unter anderem für die Erfassung und Erschließung von Musiksammlungen aller Art und den Schutz und die Erhaltung musikalischer Dokumente aus allen Epochen der Musikgeschichte einsetzt.

The 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 17 - 23 August 2013 in Singapore.

The 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly which will take place from 17 - 23 August 2013 in Singapore.

The Final Announcement is now available to download from the web-site: It contains valuable information pertaining to the upcoming IFLA General Conference and Assembly including details on the programme, satellite meetings, library visits, registration, accommodation, tours and social events and much more!


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