The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #2: Eesti / Estonian (Estonia / Eesti)

For Ilvi Rauna from Tallinn the excursion to Eisenstadt was one of the most beautiful experiences. Now your translation program needs to translate from Estonian. Enjoy! Üks mulje IAMLi konverentsilt Viinis (Ilvi Rauna) Eisenstadti sõitvas bussis tegi Jutta Lambrecht mulle ettepaneku kirjutada ühest eredamast emotsioonist IAMLi konverentsilt. Mõned tunnid hiljem sain aru, et Eisenstadtis olingi just saanud ühe väga suure elamuse. Olin kolmapäevaseks ekskursiooniks valinud väljasõidu Joseph Haydni radadele Eisenstadti, Austria idapoolseima liidumaa Burgenlandi pealinna.

Hello from the New Web Editor

Liebe IAML-Mitglieder, Dear IAML members

Ich möchte mich Ihnen als frisch gebackene IAML-Webredakteurin vorstellen. Aus Wien erhielt ich die Nachricht, dass meine Bewerbung angenommen wurde, und ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege für Ihr Vertrauen bedanken. Ich konnte leider in Wien nicht vorbeischauen, freue mich aber auf die Beiträge im Konferenztagebuch.

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #1: Svensk/Swedish (Sweden/Sverige)

IAML Vienna 2013 
Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch / Journal de bord du Congrès
From Sweden/Sverige, in Svensk/Swedish

Dear Colleagues, here is created step by step, a diary of the international IAML Conference in Vienna, gathered from your personal conference highlights written in your native language. Let's start with the impressions of two Swedish colleagues, Kerstin Carpvik and Lena Nettelbladt: En av höjdpunkterna under IAML-konferensen i Wien var absolut seminariet om Wiener filharmonikerna. Förste violinisten Clemens Hellsberg berättade om orkesterns historia från grundandet 1842 fram till idag.

Updated version of the document with responses on IAML-L on the "Restructuring Report"

Here is an updated version of the document with responses on IAML-L on the "Restructuring Report". A printed copy will be available by the Conference Office desk together with the Report itself. I am looking forward to our discussions!


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