Type de publication:
Berklee Press,, Boston, MA, United States, p.viii, 159 pages : (2024)ISBN:
9780876392300Numéro d'appel:
MT6Autre numéro:
Music theory., Théorie musicale.Notes:
"Online audio and pdf included"--cover.Includes index.Part I. The foundation. Basic notation and terms -- Rhythm and meter -- Pitch, notation, and the keyboard -- Intervals and scales -- Triads -- Key signatures; circle of fifths -- Diatonic harmony in major keys; Roman numerals -- Diatonic harmony in minor keys -- Major and minor key diatonic harmony in seventh chords; harmonic function -- Tensions and avoid notes -- Form reading: charts and lead sheets -- The role of the rhythm section -- Blues form, progression, and scale -- Part II. Chromatic alterations. Secondary dominants and related II chords -- Extended dominants; interpolated II chords -- Compound minor key harmony using seventh chords -- Modal interchange -- Melodic development: approach notes -- Substitute dominants and related II chords; extended subV7s -- Standard deceptive resolution of the primary dominant -- Chord scale theory; modes -- Diminished chords and chord scales -- Modulation -- Blues reharmonization -- Advanced chord voicings: polychords; hybrid chords -- Contiguous dominants and constant structure -- Part III. Modal harmony. Basic signifiers of modal music -- Characteristic pitch and typical cadences for each of the seven modes -- Pedal point and ostinato.Learn to read, understand, and create music. This book will help musicians of all levels communicate more effectively, learn new music faster, and memorize repertoire more easily. This approach has been developed and refined at Berklee College of Music since the 1950s and has been used by many thousands of musicians worldwide - currently as a textbook in Berklee's Aspire: Five-Week Music Performance Intensive program. Included here are the essential concepts and terminology of music, with hands-on exercises and many listening recommendations so that you can hear how these principles are used in real music - to help you "see what you hear, and hear what you see." Online audio tracks illustrate every concept. Whether you are interested in rock, country, jazz, hip-hop, or any other contemporary musical style, this book will help you become a more capable, more expressive musician.
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