Other officers appointed in Antwerp

Besides from the elections in Antwerp several other people were appointed to serve in different functions within IAML. Congratulations to all and good luck!

New Web Editor: Jennifer Ward (Frankfurt)

IAML Historian (new): Roger Flury (Newport)

The Outreach Committee - new Chair: Jon Bagüés (Rentería)

The Copyright Committee - new Chair: Claire Kidwell (London)

The Membership Committee (new) – Chair: Jim Cassaro (Pittsburgh, PA)

The Conference Committee (new) - Chair: Antony Gordon (London)

The Working Group on Access to Music Archives - new Co-Chair: Klaas Jaap van der Meiden

International Council of Archives - new liaison person Judy Tsou (Seattle, WA)

RISM - IAML representative to the Commission Mixte: Richard Chesser (London)

RIdIM - new liaison: Federica Riva (Florence)


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