Brazil / Brasil

New national Branch in Brazil - the first in Latin America!

Posted on behalf of Beatriz Magalhães Castro

The Brazilian branch was initially founded in October 2009 under the auspices of the Academia Brasileira de Música, and re-founded on October 2013 during the 1st Brazilian Congress on Research and Information Systems in Music, held at the Universidade de Brasília, as the first national event organized by IAML-Brazil’s branch.

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #3: Portuguese / Português (Brazil / Brasil)

Maria Elisa Peretti Pasqualini hat die lange Reise von São Paulo zurückgelegt, um an der Wiener Konferenz teilzunehmen. Hier ihre Eindrücke in brasilianischem Portugiesisch: Visita ao Arquivo Histórico da Orquestra Filarmônica de Viena / Das Historische Archiv der Wiener Philharmoniker A pedido da querida amiga Jutta Lambrecht escrevo, em português, sobre minhas impressões de nossa visita ao Arquivo Histórico da Wiener Philharmoniker.

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