Sweden / Sverige

Cover of  Musikbiblioteksnytt

Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen (SMBF)
IAML Sweden

To connect with a board member of IAML Sweden, send a message to sweden@iaml.info.

The Swedish IAML Branch (Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen) was established in 1953. It has around 100 members, including some retired members and students who are not members of the international association. The majority of the membership are individual members.

Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen arranges further training for its members, usually in combination with the annual meetings that take place in March or April, most often in Stockholm but also in other cities around the country. The topics have varied over the years, but there is always a connection to music. Examples have included folk music, female composers, music and children etc. Recurring themes deal with music cataloguing and copyright issues. Study visits to different music institutions are also organized on a regular basis.

The membership journal Musikbiblioteksnytt, is published four times per year, in hard copy and electronically (also on IAML's website). Other communication channels are the website and a Facebook account. The electronic discussionlist Musikbiblioteksforum has around 120 subscribers.

Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen has invited members from other national IAML branches to deliver courses on several occasions, for example “Virtuoso Skills for Music Enquiries” led by Amelie Roper and Rupert Ridgewell from the UK & Ireland Branch in 2009 and "Music in Digital Libraries and Archives", led by Jürgen Diet from the German IAML Branch in 2014.

There has also been a fruitful collaboration between the Nordic and Baltic countries over the years.

Members of the Swedish IAML Branch contribute to RILM and RISM.

IAML has had four Presidents from Sweden: Folke Lindberg (1959-1962), Anders Lönn (1983-1986), Veslemöy Heintz (1995-1998) and Pia Shekhter (2020-2024). The latter three have also held the position as Secretary General and the present Secretary General (2018-) Anders Cato, is also from Sweden. In addition, several members of the Swedish IAML Branch have served as officers in various IAML Sections.

Two members of the Swedish IAML Branch have been awarded Honorary Membership of the international association: Anders Lönn in 2001 and Veslemöy Heintz in 2010. They are also Honorary Members of Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen. 

Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen has hosted the international conference three times: Stockholm/Uppsala in 1962, Stockholm in 1986 and Gothenburg in 2006.

Board members:

President: Gunnel Jönsson (Sveriges Radio / Swedish Radio, Stockholm)
Vice President: Birgitta Sparre (Tanum)
Secretary: Martin Edelfeldt (Borås stadsbibliotek / Borås City Library)
Treasurer: Kerstin Carpvik (Musik- och teaterbiblioteket / Music and Theatre Library of Sweden)
Members-at-Large: Sebastian Lindblom (Musik- och teaterbiblioteket / Music and Theatre Library of Sweden)
  Monika Glimskär (Svensk Musik)
Ulrika Orloff-Rodrígues (Stockholms stadsbibliotek / Stockholm Public Library)

This page was updated on: 
23 Aug 2024

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