Slovakia / Slovensko

Slovenská národná skupina Medzinárodného združenia hudobných knižníc, archívov a dokumentačných centier / Slovenská národná skupina

IAML Slovakia

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The Slovak National Branch of IAML was established on May 13, 1993. However, its roots go back to 1971, when the Czechoslovak Branch of IAML was founded, which brought together music librarians from the Czech and Slovak parts of former Czechoslovakia. After the (peaceful) division of Czechoslovakia into two republics in January 1993, the original group split into the Slovak and Czech national branches of IAML.

Currently, the Slovak branch has 21 members, most of which (19) are institutions. Of those institutions, 11 are also members of the international IAML association. Individual membership has not yet been widely adopted in Slovakia.

Since 2018, the secretariat of the Slovak IAML branch is located in the Music Center Slovakia, Bratislava.

IAML Slovakia develops the basic activities and goals of the international association, such as the support, development and cooperation of institutions and professional disciplines focused on musical heritage.

Once a year, we organize a two-day professional event, which is always held at a different member institution. At first there were professional seminars, since 2011 the event has had a two-part format consisting of a scientific conference providing space for the presentation of research results in the field of music and musical documents, and a professional part focusing on music library practice. The publications of the scholarly, peer-reviewed proceedings from these conferences, named the Sources of Slovak Music, are available in electronic form on our website.

SNS IAML members regularly contribute to the RISM and RILM databases. Cooperation with RISM has existed since the 1960s.


Previous Presidents:

Emanuel Muntág (Slovak National Library, Martin) 1993 – 2004

Anna Kucianová (Slovak National Library, Martin) 2004 – 2018

Board members:

President: Anna Žilková (Music Centre Slovakia, Bratislava)
Secretary: Janka Anderlová (Music Center Slovakia, Bratislava)
Other Board Members:

Ľudmila Katová (Jan Bocatius Public Library, Košice)

Sylvia Urdová (Slovak National Museum-Music Museum, Bratislava)

Jana Pražienková (University Library in Bratislava, Music Cabinet)

Miriam Das Lehotská – Head of the Slovak RISM Committee (Slovak National Museum-Music Museum, Bratislava)

This page was updated on: 
27 Jul 2023

Branch reports


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