National Libraries Study Group

The National Libraries Study Group is overseen by the Research Libraries Section.

Terms of Reference

With the music market becoming increasingly global, the world of music libraries and music collections is perpetually changing. Thus, collaborations and information exchange are more crucial than ever. While this applies to all kinds of libraries, archives, and documentation centres, it has particular relevance for national libraries. Besides all obvious commonalities with other libraries, they usually have unique responsibilities when it comes to the (legal) mandate to collect their country’s publications, archive them permanently and provide access to them. The broadening of this mandate in many countries to encompass digital content brings with it additional challenges and opportunities for information exchange and collaboration.

This Study Group provides a forum within IAML for delegates of national libraries and equivalent institutions to discuss matters of common concern, including the collection and ingest of digital scores and digital audio, web archiving, preservation, copyright, advocacy and leadership, fundraising, public engagement, definitions of national music collections, and possibilities to invest in collaborative activities relating, for example, to collection development or research. The Study Group is open to anyone with an interest in issues that affect or have an impact on the work of national libraries, national music archives or national documentation centres.



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