Polska Grupa Narodowa IAML / Sekcja Bibliotek Muzycznych SBP
IAML Poland / IAML Polish branch
To connect with a board member of IAML Poland, send a message to poland@iaml.info(link sends e-mail).
Board members:
President: | Magdalena Wiącek (Karol Lipinski Music Academy in Wrocław) |
Vice Presidents: | Hanna Bias (Karol Szymanowski Music Academy in Katowice) |
Hanna Nizińska (Library of the Faculty of History, Section of Musicology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) | |
Secretary: | Ewa Hauptman-Fischer (University Library in Warsaw, Cabinet of Music Collections) |
Honorary Board Member: | Andrzej Spóz (Library, Museum and Archives of the Stanisław Moniuszko Warsaw Musical Society) |
Other Board Members: | Aleksandra Grochólska (University Library in Warsaw, Cabinet of Music Collections) |
Stanisław Hrabia (Library of the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków) | |
Monika Janowiak-Janik (Library of Cultural Studies and Musicology of Wrocław University) | |
Ewa Kozłowska (Warsaw Public Library) | |
Agnieszka Kubiak (Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences) | |
Anna Salamon (Library of the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków) |
Members of Polska Grupa Narodowa IAML
This page was updated on:
12 Feb 2023