
Terms of reference
The remit of the Advocacy Committee is to be proactive in promoting and speaking for the importance of music libraries, archives and documentation centres. Its purpose is to ensure that IAML is a responsive and effective advocate, not only for its members and their institutions, but also for other national and international organisations that share its values. The Committee works to ensure examples of good practice are widely promoted and helps to raise awareness of the value of music libraries for society. It represents a wide range of geographical areas and types of institution, and actively engages with the wider IAML membership. Advocacy has different needs in different countries. Working with national branches and national representatives is essential, as is aiming to provide internationally relevant documentation and support. The Committee comprises between 8 and 12 members and is supported by a wide network of national advocacy liaison contacts. It also works closely with the Membership and Outreach Committees.
The committee’s aims include:
creating and maintaining a repository of documentation that supports the role played by the organisations for which it speaks in their promotion of the importance of music in our shared cultural heritage
encouraging and promoting the creation and publication of such documentation by influential organisations and individuals from a wide range of professional contexts, including members of IAML and those who use their collections
disseminating relevant documentation within IAML and its membership, and to those academic, governmental or other bodies capable of influencing the continued viability of music libraries, archives and documentation centres
offering support and assistance to those institutions whose music collections and music library services are at risk. In such instances the committee will undertake the responsibility to respond with due alacrity
The committee will report its activities to the Board before each Board meeting and will ensure that IAML members are regularly informed and consulted as appropriate.
Examples of good practice
We are collecting examples of good practice and would very much like to receive more contributions, so please contact us to share information. Position statements, advocacy documentation and reports are available at the bottom of the page.
Communication and liaison
The committee is supported by a network of advocacy liaison contacts who help identify initiatives and projects and provide the committee with essential information. We welcome expressions of interest of countries not yet represented to join our liaison network.
Houman Behzadi (Canada), Chair (2023-2026 )
Maria Aslanidi (Greece)
Sabina Benelli (Italy)
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (USA)
Mari Itoh (Japan)
Rebecca Littman (USA)
Beatriz Magalhães Castro (Brazil)
Niels Mark (Denmark)
Radmila Milinković (Serbia)
Darwin F. Scott (USA)
Geoff Thomason (UK)
Pam Thompson Chair (UK) (2014-2016)
Anna Pensaert (UK) (2016-2023)
- Advocacy Committee - Pre-Congress Report 2021
- Advocacy Committee - Pre-Congress Report 2020
- Advocacy Committee - Congress Summary 2019
- Advocacy Committee - Congress Summary 2018
- Advocacy Committee - Pre-Congress Report 2018
- Advocacy committee - Congress Summary 2017
- Advocacy committee - Report 2017
- Advocacy committee - Report 2016