
Obituary: Suki Sommer


At Jane Gottlieb's request, I am forwarding Suki (Susan T.) Sommer's obituary from the New York Times, as well as the tribute from the Music Library Association.

Bonna J. Boettcher
Music Librarian and Adjunct Professor of Music
Cornell University. Ithaca

Obituary: Leslie Troutman

It is with great sadness that I pass along the news that Leslie Troutman died at home early on Sunday, 18 May 2003, after a year-long struggle with cancer. A memorial ceremony will be held on Friday, 23 May, in Urbana.

Obituary: Lenore Coral

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Lenore Coral. The following is a selection of obituaries, which highlights the wide range of her achievements, in addition to those pertaining to IAML.


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