Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch / Journal de bord du Congrès

MLA Conference Diary 2

The annual conference of the Music Library Association (USA) was held 2-5 March 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Anna Kijas, Digital Scholarship Librarian at Boston College, reflects on her experience.

Each year the MLA conference brings together people with a shared interest in music librarianship and music resources. While this interest may be directly linked to our professional roles and careers, we also represent a community of people who may have started out as musicians, archivists and librarians working with music-specific materials, but now represent roles in emerging or evolving areas, such as metadata, discovery services, digital preservation, or digital humanities. It is this sense of community that brings me (and others I know) to the MLA conference every year.

MLA Conference Diary 1

The annual conference of the Music Library Association (USA) was held 2-5 March 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Benjamin Knysak of RIPM reflects on his experience.

As an “R” project representative and IAML member it is always a pleasure and honor to attend the annual MLA conference and to interact with so many devoted music librarians. This year’s conference was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, a city at the crossroads of the East Coast and Midwest and of the North and the South.

IAML/IMS New York City Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #15: Korean / 한국어 (South Korea / 대한민국)

2015년 6월, IAML/IMS NEW YORK은 나에게 특별했다. Outreach Funding을 받고 참여할 수 있어서 의미가 남달랐고 줄리어드 스쿨과 뉴욕이 주는 설렘도 있었다. 음악을 하며 나중엔 꼭 나만의도서관을 가지고 싶다라는 큰 꿈을 가졌을 만큼 음악과 도서관은 오랫동안 나의 머리 속에서 공생하고 있었던 듯 하다. 그러다 음악학을 공부하면서 음악자료들을 다루고 체계적으로 정리하여 연구에 기반을 만들고 협업하는 일에 자연스레 관심이 생겼고, 그래서일까 이번 학회는 나에게커다란 선물 보따리 같았다.

IAML/IMS New York City Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #14: eesti / Estonian (Estonia / Eesti)

IAML/IMS ühiskonverentsi teema „Muusika uurimine digitaalajastul“ äratas väga suurt huvi, tuues New Yorki kokku üle 550 muusikakogude esindaja ja muusikateadlase nii Ameerikast, Euroopast, Aasiast kui ka mujalt. Eestit esindasime kahekesi koos Katre Riisaluga ja püüdsime kahe peale kokku saada võimalikult täieliku pildi sellest, mida programm pakkus. Konverents toimus prestiižikas Juilliardi koolis Manhattanil Lincolni keskuses kõrvuti Metropolitan Opera, New Yorgi balletiteatri, New Yorgi Filharmoonikute kontserdimaja ning New Yorgi Filmifestivali ja Kammermuusika Ühingu majaga. Osa istungeid peeti ka samas paikneva New Yorgi rahvaraamatukogu Bruno Walteri auditooriumis.

IAML/IMS New York City Congress Diary / Kongresstagebuch #13: German / Deutsch (Germany / Deutschland)

Unser Kollege und Musikbibliothekar, Thomas Kalk, berichtet vom internationalen IAML-Kongress, der in diesem Jahr vom 20. bis zum 27. Juni in New York als gemeinschaftlicher Kongress mit der International Musicological Society (IMS) stattgefunden hat. Daher waren für den Kongress mehr als 650 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer angemeldet, wobei die Musikbibliothekare gegenüber den Musikwissenschaftlern in der Mehrheit waren. Tagungsort war die Juilliard School, eine der weltweit renommiertesten Hochschulen für darstellende Künste mit Ihren Abteilungen für Tanz, Schauspiel und Musik. Die Juilliard School ist Teil des Lincoln Center, zu dem vor allem die Metropolitan Opera und mehrere weitere Theater und Konzertsäle gehören.


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