Recent Publications in Music
Early English composers and the credo : emphasis as interpretation in sixteenth-century music /. :1onlineresource(xvi,270pages):.
2022. Eastern European emigrants and the internationalisation of 20th-century music concepts . Band 118:247pages:.
2022. .
2022. Eighteenth-Century Theatre Capitals . :1onlineresource(466p.).
2022. Elliott Carter's late music . :xxiii,484pages:.
2022. Emil Sjögren - en vägvisare . :256sidor.
2022. Emil von Sauer : Liszt's forgotten protégé /. :408pages:.
2022. Empathy pathways : a view from music therapy /. :1onlineresource.
2022. England's folk revival and the problem of identity in traditional music . :1onlineresource(vi,219pages).
2022. Entre el Sur y el Norte : decolonizing education through critical readings of Chicana/x/o, Mexican and Indigenous music /. Vol. 23:viii,236pages:.
2022. Entre el Sur y el Norte : decolonizing education through critical readings of Chicana/x/o, Mexican and Indigenous music /. Vol. 23:viii,236pages:.
2022. Eurasian musical journeys : five tales /. :98pages:.
2022. Europske orguljske škole od 16. do 19. stoljeća : povijesna izvođačka praksa = European organ schools from the 16th to the 19th century: historical performance practice. Manualia Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis. :407.
2022. Every good boy does fine : a love story, in music lessons /. :xi,368pages:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Exhibitions, music and the British Empire . [30]:xiii,246pages:.
2022. Expanding the canon : black composers in the music theory classroom /. :1onlineresource(xvii,267pages):.
2022. Expanding the canon : black composers in the music theory classroom /. :1onlineresource(xvii,267pages):.
2022. Experiencing music composition in grades K-2 . :ix,135pages:.
2022. Extreme music : from silence to noise and everything in between /. :367pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. The faith of Elvis : a story only a brother can tell /. :xv,237pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. Famous composers -- diseases reloaded . :1onlineresource(xvii,175pages).
2022. Feels like home : a song for the Sonoran borderlands /. :xxvii,218pages:.