Recent Publications in Music
Analyzing recorded music : collected perspectives on popular music tracks /. :1onlineresource(1volume).
2023. Anatomy of 55 more songs : the oral history of top hits that changed rock, pop and soul /. :xiii,368pages:.
2022. .
2013. And harmony abound : the musical life of Morley Calvert /. :x,331pages:.
2022. And in the end : the last days of the Beatles /. :1onlineresource:.
2019. And on guitar... : the autobiography of Jim Cregan /. :1onlineresource:.
2019. .
2019. And this is my friend Sandy : Sandy Wilson's The boy friend, London theatre and gay culture /. :1onlineresource(156pages).
2021. Anders Eliasson. . :300sidor.
2022. .
2019. Andrei Tarkovsky's sounding cinema : music and meaning from Solaris to The Sacrifice /. :xi,193pages:.
2020. Andreina e Giuseppina Paganini allieve e concertiste . 2016, n.s. 2:181pages:.
2018. André Jolivet : music, art and literature /. :xxxix,329pages:.
2019. .
2017. Animals . :48pages:.
2012. .
2018. ANKLAENGE 2020/2021 : ""Cantare nel gravicembalo"" Ensemble- und Begleitpraxis in der italienischen Musikkultur um 1600 - Practices of ensemble playing and accompaniment in Italian musical culture c. 1600 /. :1onlineresource(262p.).
2022. Annette : bywyd ar ddu a gwyn /. :285p.;.
2012. Anniversary Strat : celebrating 40 years of the Fender commemorative model Stratocaster /. :340pages:.
2019. Annoying music in everyday life . :viii,209pages;.
2020. Annunciations : Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century /. :1onlineresource..
2019. Annunciations : Sacred Music for the Twenty-First Century /. :1onlineresource..
2019. Another song for Europe : music, taste, and values in the Eurovision Song Contest /. :1onlineresource(viii,192pages):.
2021. .
2020. Antagonistic cooperation : jazz, collage, fiction, and the shaping of African American culture /. :xiii,275pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.