Recent Publications in Music

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Macdonald H.  2019.  Saint-Saëns and the stage : operas, plays, pageants, a ballet and a film /. :1onlineresource:.
Ferenc L, Tippet D, Beghelli M, Vella F, Roen D.  2019.  Sardanapalo : atto primo : töredék. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke. IX.2 Serie IX : Vokalwerke mit Orchester oder mit mehreren Instrumenten. . 2:XXXVI,141.
Vesterberg H, Toft-Nielsen F.  2019.  Så længe jeg lever : en biografi om John Mogensen. :330sider:.
Tortella-Casares J.  2019.  Scarlatti post mortem. Tasación y reparto hereditario de sus bienes (1757-1763). :174.
Beach D.  2019.  Schenkerian analysis : perspectives on phrase rhythm, motive, and form /. :1volume:.
Beach D.  2019.  Schenkerian analysis : perspectives on phrase rhythm, motive, and form /. :1onlineresource:.
MacMillan J.  2019.  A scots song : a life of music /. :1volume;.
MacMillan J.  2019.  A Scots song : a life of music /. :1onlineresource.
Skillen P.  2019.  Scouse pop . :1volume:.
Raphael A.  2019.  A seat at the table : interviews with women on the frontline of music /. :294pages:.
Béla B, Yusuke N.  2019.  Sechs Tänze in bulgarischem Rhythmus aus Mikrokosmos : BB 105/148-153 : [Harriet Cohen gewidmet]. :V,30p.
Shulman A.  2019.  The second summer of love : how dance music took over the world /. :1volume.
Shulman A, Oakenfold P.  2019.  The second summer of love : how dance music took over the world /. :1onlineresource..
.  2019.  The secret DJ.. :xii,308pages;.
Fuhrmann W, Urchueguía C.  2019.  The Segovia manuscript : a European musical repertory in Spain, c.1500 /. 20:xxviii,349pages:.
