Recent Publications in Music

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István M.  2018.  Nemesvámos zenetörténete. :56.
Adedeji SOlufemi.  2018.  'A New Song in my Mouth' : Transfoming our World Through the Music of the Saints : An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at Oduduwa Hall, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Inaugural lecture series. :124.
Doyle A.  2018.  A Newfoundlander in Canada .
Takeuchi T.  2018.  Nihon min'yō jiten = 日本民謡事典 . :3volumes;.
Fukushima K, Arai K., Nelson SG.  2018.  Nihon no insatsu gakufu = 日本の印刷楽譜. Early printed music notations of Japan /. 2:244,41pages:.
Rozina PJelavić.  2018.  Nikola Šubić Zrinjski u Zajčevoj hrvatskoj nacinalnopovijesnoj opernoj trilogiji. Utjecaj ideja i svjetonazora 19. stoljeća na oblikovanje sadržaja i likova. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Bozó P.  2018.  Nikola Šubić Zrinski and Hungarian Symphonists at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Hoshino Y.  2018.  Nitchū Sensō ka no modan dansu : kōsakusuru puropaganda /. :iv,211,7pages:.
Thompson C, Lindberg E, Byström M, Martin B.  2018.  Norges Våpen [Elektronisk resurs] Cultural Memory and Uses of History in Norwegian Black Metal.
Nono L, De Benedictis AIda, Rizzardi V.  2018.  Nostalgia for the future : Luigi Nono's selected writings and interviews /. 21:x,490pages;.
Kobayashi Y, Omote K, Ishida Y.  2018.  Nōbutai no sekai . :iii,331pages:.
Morita T.  2018.  Nōkan no ensō gihō to denshō . :v,238,vipages:.
Kaneko N.  2018.  Nōkanshō nihyaku-rokujūichiban : genkō yōkyoku kaidai = 能鑑賞二百六十一番 :. :391pages;.
Misaki T.  2018.  Nusunda baiku to kowareta garasu : Ozaki Yutaka no kashiron = 盗んだバイクと壊れたガラス : 尾崎豊の歌詞論. :350pages;.
