Recent Publications in Music

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Cockrell D.  2019.  Everybody's doin' it : sex, music, and dance in New York, 1840-1917 /. :xvi,270pages:.
Townsend P.D.  2019.  The evolution of music through culture and science . :1onlineresource:.
Petrocelli P.  2019.  The evolution of opera theatre in the Middle East and North Africa . :1onlineresource..
Petrocelli P.  2019.  The evolution of opera theatre in the Middle East and North Africa . :1volume;.
Gehlawat A, Dudrah RKumar.  2019.  The evolution of song and dance in Hindi cinema . :1volume;.
Honing H, Macdonald S.  2019.  The evolving animal orchestra : in search of what makes us musical /. :xviii,139pages:.
Davidian TMaria.  2019.  Experiencing Debussy : a listener's companion /. :xxi,133pages;.
F. Smith J..  2019.  The experiencing of musical sound : prelude to a phenomenology of music /. :1onlineresource..
Cooke A.  2019.  Experimental Wales : a field guide to off-grid Welsh Music /. :43pages:.
Onsman A, Burke R.  2019.  Experimentation in improvised jazz : chasing ideas /. :xi,192pages;.
McTavish A.  2019.  Expressive arts and design in the early years : supporting young children's creativity through art, design, music, dance and imaginative play /. :1onlineresource:.
Sheppard WAnthony.  2019.  Extreme exoticism : Japan in the American musical imagination /. :xiv,623pages:.
Ramaut-Chevassus B, Fargeton P.  2019.  Écoute multiple, écoute des multiples . :1vol.(355p.):.
Navarre J-P..  2019.  Écrits des castrats sur le chant. . 2:1v.(XXX-313p.):.
Lindmayr-Brandl A, Giselbrecht E, McDonald G.  2018.  Early music printing in German-speaking lands . :1onlineresource(xvi,264pages):.
McPhail G, Thorpe V, Wise S.  2018.  Educational change and the secondary school music curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. Routledge studies in music education . :xv,185pages;illustrations.
Fratini-Serafide R, Polo-Pujadas M-M.  2018.  El cuerpo incalculable: William Forsythe, Gerald Siegmund y los diferenciales de la danza. Danza y Pensamiento. :321p..
Bernal-Romero M.  2018.  El flamenco y la Generación del 27. Los Cuatro Vientos. :175p..
Cáceres-Piñuel M.  2018.  El hombre del rincón. José Subirá y la historia cultural e intelectual de la musicología en España.. DeMúsica. 20:408p..
Paniagua C.  2018.  El laúd árabe medieval. Historia y construcción.. :224p..
Anido R.  2018.  El pasado en solfa. La música literaria y fílmica de la España contemporánea.. :224p..
Pla-Candela V.  2018.  El ritmo musical en personas con Alzheimer leve u otros deterioros cognitivos y motores.. :132p..
Lerena-Gutiérrez M.  2018.  El teatro musical de Pablo Sorozábal (1897-1988). Música, contexto y significado. Arte. Textos. 4:500p..
Cassano G, Schultz RLunin, Payette J, Smith E.  2018.  Eleanor Smith's Hull House songs : the music of protest and hope in Jane Addams's Chicago /. :1onlineresource.
Woollacott R, Burford MLouise.  2018.  The enigmatic Mr Peck Stevens or The Great Vance : the life and career of a Great Victorian music-hall luminary buried at Nunhead /. :98pages:.
