Recent Publications in Music

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Giannopoulos E.  2016.  Ē psaltikē technē. Logos kai melos stē latreia tēs orthodoxēs Ekklēsias. = Η ψαλτική τέχνη : λόγος και μέλος στη λατρεία της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας.. 1:592p..
Gabriēl A.  2016.  Ē synoptikē istoria tēs jazz = Η συνοπτική ιστορία της jazz [A concise history of jazz]. :103p..
O'Sullivan J.  2016.  Eagle 53 : my ultimate musical tuning : the mathematics of music, microtonal music theory and alternative tunings . :57pages.
Fleming MJonathan, Bryan J.  2016.  Early English viols : instruments, makers and music /. :xxi,373pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bach JSebastian, van Beethoven L, Purcell H, Mercury F., Schwartz S., Williams J, Williams J, Emmerson S, McNally J., Lionáird I.Ó et al..  2016.  Edexcel GCSE (9-1) anthology of music . :1onlineresource(96pages)..
Obana T..  2016.  Eiga ongaku kara gēmu ōdio e : eizō onkyō kenkyū no chihei /. :187pages;.
Calderón-Urreiztieta CE.  2016.  El beso y el mordisco : un museo imaginario con vestigios de armonía, consonancia y monocordios /. :146,4,viip.:il.;25cm..
Garay R, Capdepón-Verdú P.  2016.  El compositor asturiano Ramón Garay (1761-1823). :1score(2volumes(2,452pages)):.
Ferrer-Cayón J.  2016.  El Festival Internacional de Santander (1932-1958) : cultura y política bajo Franco /. :311pages:.
Cuadrado-Méndez F.  2016.  En torno a Manuel Castillo. :327p..
Lukács G, Asperján G.  2016.  Énekes álarc nélkül. :240p..
Nakamura A, Shiratori H., Yoshizaki M., Atsu K, Wada T.  2016.  Enka no Meijin Taishō tekiya : furēzu meijin, Soeda Azenbō sakuhin to shakai /. :236pages:.
Clark WAaron.  2016.  Enrique Granados : poeta del piano. :269p..
McGarrigle A, McGarrigle J.  2016.  Entre la jeunesse et la sagesse : l'album de famille des sœurs McGarrigle /. :345pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bianchi FW.  2016.  Environmental sound artists : in their own words /. :xxvii,204pages:.
Potter C.  2016.  Erik Satie : a Parisian composer and his world . :xxxiv,269pages:illustrations,map,music.
Akiyama K..  2016.  Erikku sati oboegaki . :1;.
