Recent Publications in Music
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Embodied human-computer interaction in vocal music performance . :1onlineresource(xii,81pages):.
2023. Emlékek lepkeszárnyon 3. . :191.
2023. Empowering song : music education from the margins /. :xix,159pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. .
2023. .
2023. The evolution of Chinese popular music : modernization and globalization, 1927 to the present /. :218pages:.
2023. The evolution of Chinese popular music : modernization and globalization, 1927 to the present /. :xi,218pages:.
2023. .
2023. Exploring the ecologies of music and sound. . :1onlineresource.
2023. .
Ecologies of creative music practice : mattering music /. :viii,234pages;.
2024. Ein Modell für Mozart : "Das Serail" von Joseph Friebert (1778) /. 14:x,823pages:.
2024. "... eine Quelle von vielen Vergnügungen" : Schubert am Land : der Komponist und Atzenbrugg /. :159pages:.
2024. .
2024. Embodied research through music composition and evocative life-writing : disrupting diaspora /. :xii,132pages:.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. English and German diction for singers : a comparative approach /. :xxiv,341pages:.
2024. "Es liegt ein eigener Zauber in diesem Wunderkinde!" : Constanze Geiger - Komponistin, Pianistin, Schauspielerin aus Wien /. :xvi,405pages:.
2024. Essays on music, adolescence, and identity : the Adolescentia Project /. :1onlineresource(xvii,228pages):.
2024. Ethnomusicology, queerness, masculinity : silence=death /. :x,240pages;.
2024. .