Recent Publications in Music
404 resultats trouvés
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Carl Goldmark : Komponist der Ringstrassenzeit /. :285pages:.
2015. .
2015. Charles Mackerras. :xxii,298pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2015. Chong ju: xi qu yu yin le de dui hua = 重聚:戏曲与音乐的对话: 第三届北京传统音乐节纪实. Beijing min zu yin yue yan jiu yu chuan bo ji di fa xian chuan tong xi lie cong shu = 北京民族音乐研究与传播基地“发现传统”系列丛书 . :151.
2015. Chuan tong yin yue fan gui tan suo = 传统音乐轨范探索. Zhongguo yi shu yan jiu yuan xue shu wen ku = 中国艺术研究院学术文库. :444.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Cultural production in and beyond the recording studio. 47:1onlineresource..
2015. Careers in music librarianship III : reality and reinvention . no. 33:xi,217pages:.
2014. Clothes, clothes, clothes, music, music, music, boys, boys, boys. :ix,421pages:illustrations;24cm.
2014. Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion yn cyflwyno : Cystadleuaeth Hanner awr adloniant 2014 /. :20unnumberedpages:.
2014. Constructing urban space with sounds and music . :vii,126pages:.
2014. The cultural impact of Kanye West . :xxx,261pages;.
2014. Caledoniana 2 : more music from Scotland from phonograph and gramophone records given for the CLPGS, 2008 /. no. 5:18pages:.
2013. Caledoniana : a concert of Scottish music from phonograph cylinders given for the CLPGS, 2007 /. no. 4:29pages:.
2013. .
2013. Carmen. :376pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Carmen Miranda . :vi,158pages:.
2013. Chamber music . :322pages;.
2013. Changing times : music and politics in 1964 /. :ix,357pages;.
2013. Chas & Dave : all about us /. :xii,305pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. .