Recent Publications in Music
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Approaches to Monteverdi : aesthetic, psychological, analytical and historical studies /. CS1031:1volume(variouspagings):.
2013. Around the world with One Direction : the true stories as told by the fans /. :xi,242pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. The art and technique of electroacoustic music . Volume 26:1DVD-ROM:.
2013. Art and trauma in Africa : representations of reconciliation in music, visual arts, literature and film /. 21:xxxiii,325p.:.
2013. .
2013. The art of music production : the theory and practice /. :xii,329pages;.
2013. The Ashgate research companion to minimalist and postminimalist music . :xxvi,431pages:.
2013. .
2013. .
2013. .
Advanced piano chords : easy to use, easy to carry, one chord on every page /. :384unnumberedpages:.
2012. Alawon gwerin Iolo Morganwg. :272p.:.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. Amy, my daughter. :xvi,304pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2012. Animals . :48pages:.
2012. Annette : bywyd ar ddu a gwyn /. :285p.;.
2012. The art of classic rock . :255pages:.
2012. The art of making a harpsichord . :256pages:.
2012. Artists file . :v.:.
2012. The Ashgate research companion to Henry Purcell . :xviii,420p.:.
2012. .
Ableton live : the ultimate guide /. :130p.:.
2011. .
2011. .