Recent Publications in Music
332 resultats trouvés
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Audio processes : musical analysis, modification, synthesis, and control /. :1onlineresource(pagescm.).
2017. Az aquincumi orgona : a hangszerek királyának születése . Aquincumi zsebkönyvek. :80.
2017. Az új zene filozófiája. :238.
2017. .
Absolutely on music. :xix,325pages.
2016. Across the western ocean : songs of leaving and arriving. :55pages+1audiodisc.
2016. .
2016. The African imagination in music. :x,372pages:illustrations,music;.
2016. Afurika ongaku no shōtai . :245,17pages;.
2016. Ah well, nobody's perfect : the untold stories /. :ix,482pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:colourillustrations,portraits(chieflycolour);24cm..
2016. Ahol a menny a földdel találkozik : Jonas Kaufmann, a tenor rendhagyó portréja, háttérvázlattal. :152p..
2016. .
2016. Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern . :xi,380pages:.
2016. All by myself : essays on the single-artist rock album /. :1onlineresource(xix,205pages).
2016. All is given : a memoir in songs /. :238pages;20cm..
2016. .
2016. Along the path of music. :viii,185pages,2unnumberedpages:illustrations;25cm.
2016. Anthology of Slovenian Australian musicians. :662pages;.
2016. .
2016. Antipodean riffs : essays on Australasian jazz /. :vi,296pages:.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .