Recent Publications in Music
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Audience experience and contemporary classical music : negotiating the experimental and the accessible in a high art subculture /. :1onlineresource(xv,224pages):.
2023. Aural diversity . :xvii,233pages:.
2023. Authenticity in the music of video games . :xv,193pages:.
2023. Acoustic guitar design. :1onlineresource.
2022. Afrosonic life . :1onlineresource.
2022. Ain't but a few of us : black music writers tell their story /. :1onlineresource(312pages).
2022. Alan Lomax, the South, and the American folk music revival, 1933-1969 . volume 16:447pages:.
2022. Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern . :1onlineresource:.
2022. Alfred Grünfeld (1852-1924) Der ""Pianist Wiens"".. :1onlineresource(430p.).
2022. Almanach der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Studienjahr 2020/21.. v.16:1onlineresource(242p.)..
2022. America in the French imaginary, 1789 -1914 : music, revolution and race /. 10:xxvi,382pages:.
2022. American popular music : from minstrelsy to MP3 /. :xxvi,660pages:.
2022. American popular song : the great innovators, 1900-1950 /. :1onlineresource:.
2022. .
2022. Analytical essays on music by women composers : concert music, 1900-1960 /. volume 2:viii,283pages:.
2022. Anatomy of 55 more songs : the oral history of top hits that changed rock, pop and soul /. :xiii,368pages:.
2022. And harmony abound : the musical life of Morley Calvert /. :x,331pages:.
2022. Anders Eliasson. . :300sidor.
2022. ANKLAENGE 2020/2021 : ""Cantare nel gravicembalo"" Ensemble- und Begleitpraxis in der italienischen Musikkultur um 1600 - Practices of ensemble playing and accompaniment in Italian musical culture c. 1600 /. :1onlineresource(262p.).
2022. Antagonistic cooperation : jazz, collage, fiction, and the shaping of African American culture /. :xiii,275pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2022. The art of ballet accompaniment : a comprehensive guide /. :1onlineresource.