Recent Publications in Music
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Záchrana zvukového kulturního dědictví : aktuální situace, problémy, možnosti /. :108stran:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Bach studies : liturgy, hymnology, and theology /. :1onlineresource(xvii,394pages).
2021. Beethoven, toujours : trente-deux sonates pour quel infini? : entretiens avec Danielle Cohen-Levinas / :232pages:.
2021. Berlioz : a listener's guide /. no. 34:170pages;.
2021. British Music, Musicians and Institutions, C. 1630-1800 Essays in Honour of Harry Diack Johnstone.. v.28:1onlineresource(317p.)..
2021. Bruckner-Symposion : Anton Bruckner und die Frauen : Brucknerhaus Linz, 4. und 5. Oktober 2019 : Bericht /. 2019:350pages:.
2021. Bruckner-Symposion : Anton Bruckners frühe Kirchenmusik im Spiegel der Tradition : Brucknerhaus Linz, 5. und 6. Oktober 2018 : Bericht /. 2018:196pages:.
2021. Changes in the musical information system - the progression in the system of partials (overtones) . :69.
2021. The creative worlds of Joseph Joachim . :1onlineresource(xxii,353pages):.
2021. The creative worlds of Joseph Joachim . :1onlineresource(xxii,353pages):.
2021. .
2021. Czech songs in Texas. volume 7:1onlineresource(xvi,240pages):.
2021. Debating English Music in the Long Nineteenth Century . :1onlineresource.
2021. The Dorset rotulus : contextualizing and reconstructing the early English motet /. 23:1onlineresource.
2021. Dueling grounds : revolution and revelation in the musical Hamilton /. :1onlineresource(viii,242pages):.
2021. Dueling grounds : revolution and revelation in the musical Hamilton /. :1onlineresource(viii,242pages):.
2021. The East, the West, and the In-Between in music : proceedings of the international conference, Munich, 9-10 November 2018 /. Sonderband 2:236pages:.
2021. Fromental Halévy and his operas, 1799-1841 . :xviii,508pages,158unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. .
2021. Histoire de l'opéra français : du Roi-Soleil à la Révolution /. :1259pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. I am Cellist. . :1onlineresource.