Recent Publications in Music
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Psalterium Strigoriense Venetiis 1523 : cum notis musicis manuscriptis : (Psalterium Nicolai Olahi). . Musicalia Danubiana, Bavarica et Hungarica. 25, 2:147p.,144t..
2015. Tanulmányok a 18. századi zene történetéből. Musica scientia.
2015. Zenetörténet. 1., A kezdetektől a bécsi klasszicizmusig. Az Apor Vilmos Katolikus Főiskola kiadványai. :170p..
2015. Der Klang des Gulag : Musik und Musiker in den sowjetischen Zwangsarbeitslagern der 1920er- bis 1950er-Jahre /. :691pages:.
2014. Keyboard for dummies . :xii,340pages:.
2014. .
2014. .
2014. Playing the cello, 1780-1930 . :xxiv,274pages:.
2014. Roadshow! : the fall of film musicals in the 1960s /. :x,307pages:.
2014. Rumours of glory : a memoir /. :1onlineresource.
2014. Soundscapes of wellbeing in popular music . :xvi,304pages:.
2014. Soundscapes of wellbeing in popular music . :xvi,304pages:.
2014. The Alexander technique for musicians . :1onlineresource(224pages)..
2013. Approaches to Monteverdi : aesthetic, psychological, analytical and historical studies /. CS1031:1volume(variouspagings):.
2013. Benjamin Britten : a life in the twentieth century /. :xvi,665p.:.
2013. Elgar's best friend : Alfred Rodewald of Liverpool /. :xiv,156pages,18pagesofunnumberedplates:.
2013. From here to obscurity in 240 days : the Art Baxter story : Britain’s First King of Rock ‘n’ Roll : a biography /. :1CD-ROM(168unnumberedpages):.
2013. .
2013. International dictionary of music therapy . :xxxvii,180pages;.
2013. Interpreting historical keyboard music : sources, contexts and performance /. :xxvii,299pages:.
2013. Life and work of Pauline Viardot Garcia. :2volumes:.
2013. Lucy in the mind of Lennon . :xii,167pages;.
2013. Music : a journey of discovery /. :118pages;.
2013. Music and familiarity : listening, musicology and performance /. :xvii,294pages:.