Recent Publications in Music

484 resultats trouvés
Auteur Titre Type [ Année(Desc)]
Filtres: Première Lettre Du Nom De Famille est K  [Clear All Filters]
Knecht AStoll.  2019.  Mahler's Seventh symphony . :xviii,377pages:.
Kaufman W.  2019.  Mapping Woody Guthrie . volume 4:xiii,160pages:.
Bugyis KAnn-Marie, Kraebel A.B, Fassler MElsbeth.  2019.  Medieval cantors and their craft : music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800-1500 /. 3:1volume;.
Krpan E.  2019.  Međunarodni kulturni centar Grožnjan : pet desetljeća, 1969.-2019.. :56.
Krapljanov MPerica, Premerl N.  2019.  Milka Trnina : ostavština Milke Trnine u Muzeju grada Zagreba.
Keefe SP.  2019.  Mozart in Context . :xvii,333pages:.
Kraaz SMahler.  2019.  Music and war in the United States . :xvii,323pages:.
Kallio AAnja, Alperson P, Westerlund H.  2019.  Music, education, and religion : intersections and entanglements /. :viii,288pages;.
Belina A, Kilpiö K, Scott DB.  2019.  Music history and cosmopolitanism . :1volume:.
Kasinitz P, Martiniello M.  2019.  Music, immigration and the city : a transatlantic dialogue /. :1volume;.
Kaufman B, Scripp L.  2019.  Music learning as youth development . :xiii,205pages:.
Knighton T, Kreitner K.  2019.  The music of Juan de Anchieta . :1onlineresource..
Knighton T, Kreitner K.  2019.  The music of Juan de Anchieta . :1onlineresource..
Michelsen M, Krogh M, Nielsen SKaargaard, Have I.  2019.  Music radio : building communities, mediating genres /. :x,329pages:.
Kassler JCroy.  2019.  Music, science, philosophy : models in the universe of thought /. :1volume;.
Holtsträter K, Krohn T, Noeske N, Strank W.  2019.  Musik in der Science-Fiction = Music in science fiction. 64. Jahrgang (2019):364Seiten.
Klára H.  2019.  "Nem pusztán zenész" : tanulmányok Liszt Ferencről. Musica scientia. :356.
Ka'ai T.  2019.  Ngoingoi Pewhairangi : a remarkable life. :144.
Krarup B.  2019.  Niels Viggo Bentzon : 1919-2=000. 5, :142sider.
Kim Y, Gilman SL.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of music and the body . :xiv,458pages;.
Grimshaw M, Hansen M, Knakkergaard M.  2019.  The Oxford handbook of sound and imagination . :2volumes:.
Kaldewey H.  2019.  A people's music . :1onlineresource..
Kershaw D, Pelletier C.  2019.  The Ragin' Cajun : memoir of a Louisiana man /. :349pages,36unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bloechl OAshley, Lowe MDiane, Kallberg J.  2019.  Rethinking difference in music scholarship . :xvi,434pages:.
Krueger AB.  2019.  Rockonomics : a backstage tour of what the music industry can teach us about economics and life /. :1volume;.
