Recent Publications in Music
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Cultural capital and parental involvement : a comparison of students' music participation between Beijing and Hong Kong /. :1onlineresource(xv,163pages):.
2023. Dave Brubeck and the performance of whiteness . :xi,301pages:.
2023. .
2023. Ferences iskoladrámák. 5.[köt.]. A csíksomlyói Actiones Comicae, Actiones Tragicae kötetek színjátékai (1773-1780) . Régi magyar drámai emlékek. XVIII. század. 6/5:963.
2023. Ferruccio Busoni as architect of sound . :xiv,313pages:.
2023. From the ruins of Enlightenment : Beethoven and Schubert in their solitude /. :xviii,247pages:.
2023. Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night /. :xxvii,323pages:.
2023. .
2023. Haydn and Mozart in the long nineteenth century : parallel and intersecting patterns of reception /. :xi,254pages;.
2023. .
2023. Kickstarting Italian opera in the Andes : the 1840s and the first opera companies /. :1onlineresource(66pages).
2023. Korespondencija. Izvori i dokumenti. 4:388.
2023. Korespondencija. Izvori i dokumenti. 4:388.
2023. Leokadiya Kashperova : biography, 'Memoirs' and 'Recollections of Anton Rubinstein' /. :1onlineresource(71pages).
2023. Leokadiya Kashperova : biography, 'Memoirs' and 'Recollections of Anton Rubinstein' /. :1onlineresource(71pages).
2023. .
2023. .
2023. .
2023. Memory and history in Argentine popular music . :viii,157pages:.
2023. .
2023. Music and mental imagery . :1onlineresource..
2023. Music and religious education in early modern Europe : the musical edification of the church /. :xii,259pages:.
2023. Music in Colonial Punjab : Courtesans, Bards, and Connoisseurs, 1800-1947 /. :1onlineresource..
2023. Music in the course of life . :1onlineresource(xii,148pages):.
2023. Musical Networking in the ‘Long 19th Century’: proceedings of the symposium held in ZAgreb 2-5 June 2021. Series Musicological proceedings. 25:652str..