Recent Publications in Music

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Filtres: Première Lettre Du Nom De Famille est K  [Clear All Filters]
Kay S.  2022.  Medieval song from Aristotle to opera . :1onlineresource(xix,270pages).
Katz M.  2022.  Music and technology : a very short introduction /. 710:xx,135pages:.
Kramer L.  2022.  Music and the forms of life . :vii,194pages:.
Kevorkian T.  2022.  Music and urban life in baroque Germany . :xii,336pages:.
Kendall DJ.  2022.  The music of the spheres in the Western imagination . :x,249pages:.
Kurth E, Tan D, Neidhöfer C.  2022.  Music psychology . :1onlineresource..
Knysak B., Blažeković Z..  2022.  Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen.. :1onlineresource(530p.).
Karpf J.  2022.  Performing racial uplift : E. Azalia Hackley and African American activism in the postbellum to pre-Harlem era /. :1onlineresource:.
Kehrer LJ.  2022.  Queer voices in hip hop : cultures, communities, and contemporary performance /. :1onlineresource(xi,142pages).
Fifer J, Impey A, Kirchschlaeger PG, Nowak M, Ulrich G.  2022.  The Routledge companion to music and human rights . :1onlineresource(xxxi,516pages).
Callahan M, Kelley RDG, Akuno K.  2022.  Songs of slavery and emancipation . :1onlineresource(x,200pages):.
Kielman A.  2022.  Sonic mobilities : producing worlds in Southern China /. :200pages:.
Koo S.  2022.  Sound of the border : music and identity of Korean minority in China /. :1onlineresource(xiii,221pages):.
Kim H.  2022.  Tradition and creativity in Korean taegum flute performance . :1onlineresource:.
Pál R, Káplán S, Lásztity P.  2022.  Vujicsics-gyűjtemény.
Kratochvíl M.  2022.  Vy havíři umouněný, co vy z toho máte... : výzkum hornických písní na Kladensku v letech 1953-1959 v kontextu dobové vědy a politiky /. :103stran:.
Ramsey GP, Kernodle TL, Redmond SL.  2022.  Who hears here? : on Black music, pasts and present / 1:xvii,287pages;.
Katalin K, Lili B.  2022.  Zenetudományi dolgozatok 2021–2022 . :334.
