Recent Publications in Music

332 resultats trouvés
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Johnson B.  2019.  Jazz diaspora : new approaches to music and globalisation /. :1volume:.
Jensen E.  2019.  Kim Larsen - et livs sange. :390sider.
Zoltán K, János B, Mária D, Imre O, Katalin P, Olga S.  2019.  Kodály népdalfeldolgozásainak dallam- és szövegforrásai. :726.
Jones K.  2019.  Let the good times roll : the autobiography /. :1volume:.
Jackson-Tretchikoff J.  2019.  Libretti, love and laughter : a centenary salute to Auckland Music Theatre 1919 to 2019. :359pages.
Jackson-Tretchikoff J.  2019.  Libretti, love and laughter : a centenary salute to Auckland Music Theatre 1919 to 2019. :359pages.
Jackson PRW.  2019.  The life and music of Sir Malcolm Arnold : the brilliant and the dark /. :1onlineresource..
Tsai E, Ho T-H, Jian M.  2019.  Made in Taiwan : studies in popular music /. :1volume:.
Szilárd JBéla, János S.  2019.  A magyarock története 1.,60-70-es évek. :526.
Johnson J.  2019.  Mormons, musical theater, and belonging in America . :1onlineresource(x,199pages).
Jones DWyn.  2019.  Music in Vienna : 1700, 1800, 1900 /. :x,277pages:.
Juslin PN.  2019.  Musical emotions explained : unlocking the secrets of musical affect /. :1onlineresource..
Johnson C.  2019.  Musicians' migratory patterns : the African drum as symbol in early America /. :1volume:.
Johnson C.  2019.  Musicians' migratory patterns : the African drum as symbol in early America /. :1onlineresource:.
János B, Ádám I.  2019.  Muszorgszkij Hovanscsinája. Musica scientia. :356,110.
Haupt A, Williams Q, H. Alim S, Jansen E.  2019.  Neva Again : Hip Hop Art, Activism and Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa. :xiii,536.
Jacobs-Jenkins B.  2019.  The original Broadway cast recording's Hamilton . :1volume;.
Júlia T.  2019.  Ötven év üzenete : Kodály Zoltán zenepedagógiai öröksége Magyarországon és a nagyvilágban. :95.
Julien O, Levaux C.  2019.  Over and over : exploring repetition in popular music /. :1volume:.
Jacks WH, Upholt B.  2019.  Po' Monkey's : portrait of a juke joint /. :119pages:.
Fast S., Jennex C..  2019.  Popular music and the politics of hope : queer and feminist interventions /. :1onlineresource(xii,338pages).
[Anonyme].  2019.  Prvi svjetski rat (1914.-1918.) i glazba : skladateljske strategije, izvedbene prakse i društveni utjecaji . :774.
József G.  2019.  Rekviem a drámai szopránért : Németh Mária emlékezete, 1897-1967 . :207.
Jackson-Kew M.  2019.  Rock around the globe . :1onlineresource(86pages).
Joynson V.  2019.  A Sharp Shock to the System : A Comprehensive Guide to UK Punk, New Wave, Post-Punk, Mod Revival, Neo-Psychedelia, Goth-Rock & Electronic Music /. :iv,1434pages,12unnumberedpagesofplates:.
