Recent Publications in Music

332 resultats trouvés
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Filtres: Première Lettre Du Nom De Famille est J  [Clear All Filters]
Johnson J.  2020.  After Debussy : music, language, and the margins of philosophy /. :xix,373pages:.
Chapin KMoore, Jones DWyn.  2020.  Beethoven studies 4 . :1volume:.
Wallace R, Judit R.  2020.  Beethovent hallani : a zene elvesztésének és újramegtalálásának története . :301.
József K.  2020.  A bőrduda Európában . :135.
Jensen KBalle.  2020.  B'Sharp 1995 2020 : 25 år med blues i Silkeborg /. :192pages:.
Jackson S.  2020.  Classic FM's composers : the Hall of Fame 10 greatest composers of all time /. :1volume;.
Jackson S.  2020.  Concert design : the road, the craft, the industry /. :1volume:.
Hoefnagels A., Klassen J., Johnson S..  2020.  Contemporary Musical Expressions in Canada . :1onlineresource(557pages).
Jonášová M, Volek T.  2020.  Demofoonte come soggetto per il dramma per musica : Johann Adolf Hasse ed altri compositori del settecento /. 5:volume<5(340pages)>;.
Zimmermann W, Feldman M, Wolff C, Cage J, Corner P, Glass P, Reich S, Ashley R, Lucier A, La Barbara J et al..  2020.  Desert plants : conversations with 23 American musicians /. :xii,373pages:.
Jonášová M, Schmid MHermann, Brinzing A.  2020.  Die Villa Bertramka : Facetten der Geschichte einer Mozart-Gedenkstätte in Prag = The Villa Bertramka : facets of the history of a Mozart memorial in Prague /. :339pages:.
Jonášová M, Schmid MHermann, Brinzing A.  2020.  Die Villa Bertramka : Facetten der Geschichte einer Mozart-Gedenkstätte in Prag = The Villa Bertramka : facets of the history of a Mozart memorial in Prague /. :339pages:.
Daniele S, David C, David H, Giovanni V, Julia C-MF, Jurij S, Karl K, Margaret B, Paweł G, Reinhard S et al..  2020.  Disiecta Membra Musicae : Studies in Musical Fragmentology /. volume 21:1onlineresource(VI,398p.)..
Daniele S, David C, David H, Giovanni V, Julia C-MF, Jurij S, Karl K, Margaret B, Paweł G, Reinhard S et al..  2020.  Disiecta Membra Musicae : Studies in Musical Fragmentology /. volume 21:1onlineresource(VI,398p.)..
Jerold B.  2020.  Disinformation in mass media : Gluck, Piccinni and the Journal de Paris /. :1volume:.
Johnson S.  2020.  The eighth : Mahler and the world in 1910 /. :1onlineresource..
Johnson S.  2020.  The eighth : Mahler and the world in 1910 /. :v,314pages.
János B.  2020.  Elindultam hosszú útra : Gagybátor, Wellington, San Francisco. :423.
John E, Kata R.  2020.  Én. :381.
