Recent Publications in Music
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A népzene kultúrkörei : népzene kultúrák összefüggéseinek vizsgálata öntanuló rendszerekkel . :255p..
2016. Sachlexikon des Musiktheaters . :669pages:.
2016. The shock of recognition : the books and music that have inspired me /. :xiv,412pages;24cm..
2016. Tangos, jazz-bands y cupletistas : crónicas musicales, de Caruso a Cléo de Mérode /. 21:269pages:illustrations;21cm..
2016. A topical survey of nineteenth-century music . :1onlineresource(32pages):.
2016. Umjetnik kao pedagog pred izazovima suvremenog odgoja i obrazovanja. Umjetnik kao pedagog pred izazovima suvremenog odgoja i obrazovanja : 1. međunarodni znanstveni i umjetnički simpozij o pedagogiji u umjetnosti, Osijek, 17.-18. listopada 2014.. :767.
2016. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
Qing mo min chu gui zhou xue tang yue ge kao = 清末民初贵州学堂乐歌考 . Guizhou shi fan xue yuan ren lei xue wen ku = 贵州师范学院人类学文库. :249.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. A világ hangolása : Bach ifjúsága. Typotex világirodalom.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Process control instrumentation technology . :ii,680pages:.
2014. Seditious theology : punk and the ministry of Jesus /. :xiv,231pages:.
2014. Forever and a day : one last goodbye x /. :251pages:.
2013. God save The Kinks : a biography /. :330p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
2013. Guitar chords made easy . :255pages:.