Recent Publications in Music

332 resultats trouvés
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Jansen G.  2019.  Sing New Zealand : the story of choral music in Aotearoa. :383.
Droumeva M, Jordan R.  2019.  Sound, media, ecology . :xxvi,294pages:.
Eriksson M, Fleischer R, Johansson A, Snickars P, Vonderau P.  2019.  Spotify teardown : inside the black box of streaming music /. :ix,276pages:.
Jurecic B.  2019.  A study of the parallels between visual art and music : the big misconception /. :1volume;.
Jenkins D.  2019.  That Would Be Telyn : Walking the Pembrokeshire Coast with my harp /. :141pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Jenkins D.  2019.  That would be Telyn : walking the Pembrokeshire coast with my harp /. :1onlineresource.
Jambou L.  2019.  Toledo: una fiesta sonora y musical en el siglo XVII (1620-1680). :264.
Julien P, Godin G, Germain E, Livernois J.  2019.  Ton métier, le mien, le Québec : fragments de correspondance amoureuse et politique, 1962-1993 /. :150pages:.
Béla B, János S.  2019.  Török népzene Kis-Ázsiából : magyar fordítás és kották. :274.
Jonášová M, Volek T.  2019.  Tre opere su Don Giovanni per Praga : Caldara 1730 - Righini 1776 - Mozart 1787 /. IV:287stran:.
Jackson J.  2019.  Ukulele chords : quick start, easy diagrams /. :1score(175pages):.
John E.  2019.  Wayfaring stranger : a musical journey in the American South /. :1volume;.
John E.  2019.  Wayfaring stranger : a musical journey in the American South /. :1onlineresource..
Jones D.  2019.  The wichita lineman : searching in the sun for the world's greatest unfinished song /. :1onlineresource..
