Recent Publications in Music

332 resultats trouvés
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Jay N.  2020.  Mister Good Times . :1volume:.
Jones N, McGregor R.  2020.  The music of Peter Maxwell Davies . :1onlineresource:.
Jackson AS, Luyk S..  2020.  Music research data management : a guide for librarians . Music Library Association technical reports series . :vii,142pages.
Johnston R, Plummer D.  2020.  The musical life of nineteenth-century Belfast . :1volume:.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Ahlers M, Grünewald-Schukalla L, Jóri A, Schwetter H.  2020.  Musik & Empowerment . :XIV,277Seiten.
Jorgensen HRose, Smedegaard C, Boge P.  2020.  Musik for mange orer : horelaere og musikteori. :60sider:(ill.;30cm)+.
Jordan W.D.  2020.  The organ pipe in the convent of Christ, Tomar, Portugal : an observer's guide /. :iii,186pages,40unnumberedleaves:.
Davies PMaxwell, Jones N.  2020.  Peter Maxwell Davies, selected writings . :1volume:.
Hansen KArne, Askerøi E, Jarman F, Hawkins S.  2020.  Popular musicology and identity : essays in honour of Stan Hawkins /. :1volume:.
Knauer W.  2020.  Positionen! Jazz und Politik. 16:236Seiten.
Jasen DA.  2020.  Ragtime : an encyclopedia, discography, and sheetography /. :1onlineresource.
Jorba M.  2020.  Rosa Sabater: Sonata inacabada.. :306p..
Ditchfield D, Jones J.S.  2020.  Shine on . :1volume;.
Johansson O.  2020.  Songs from Sweden : shaping pop culture in a globalized music industry /. :1volume:.
James M.  2020.  State of bass . :223pages;.
Jansson M.  2020.  Super Swede de luxe : the Hagström guitar history - so far.
Jones D.  2020.  Sweet dreams : from club culture to style culture, the story of the New Romantics /. :1onlineresource..
Jones D.  2020.  Sweet dreams : from club culture to style culture, the story of the New Romantics /. :1volume;.
József B.  2020.  Szép magyar ének : gyermekdalok, népdalok, népies dalok és szent énekek = The great Hungarian songbook : children's songs, folksongs, popular songs and sacred songs . :847.
Harwell JH, Jenkins KE.  2020.  Theology and Prince . :1onlineresource(xi,166pages).
Jensen JWendt.  2020.  Victor Borge - mennesket bag smilet : en biografi. :398sider:.
John E.  2020.  Wayfaring stranger : a musical journey in the American South /. :1volume:.
Jones L-A.  2020.  Who killed John Lennon? : the lives, loves and deaths of the greatest rock star / :1volume;.
Jones D.  2020.  The Wichita lineman : searching in the sun for the world's greatest unfinished song /. :1volume;.
