Recent Publications in Music

332 resultats trouvés
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Filtres: Première Lettre Du Nom De Famille est J  [Clear All Filters]
Sakka LStavroula, Juslin PN, Nater U.  2018.  Affective responses to music in depressed individuals [Elektronisk resurs] Aesthetic judgments, emotions, and the impact of music-evoked autobiographical memories.
Jonášová M, Volek T, Metastasio P.  2018.  Didone come soggetto nel dramma per musica. III:314pages:.
Jonsson G.  2018.  Frihetens blå toner : en berättelse om jazzen i Sverige.
Juranić Z.  2018.  Giuseppe Verdi i Ivan Zajc. Pokušaj usporedbe karijera, razvoja i stilskih značajki. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Jago M.  2018.  Live at the Cellar : Vancouver's iconic jazz club and the Canadian co-operative jazz scene in the 1950s and '60s /. :xxi,339pages:.
Adorno TWiesengrun, János W, Ignácz Á, Csobó PGyörgy.  2018.  Mahler egy zenei fiziognómia . :207.
József K, Zoltán C.  2018.  Metropolitan Opera - kulisszatitkok: Krénusz József emlékei . :206.
Björkman J, Jarrick A.  2018.  Musikens makt.
Jas E.  2018.  Piety and polyphony in sixteenth-century Holland : the choirbooks of St Peter's Church, Leiden /. 18:1onlineresource..
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Janjik MJurić.  2018.  Svjedočanstva dvojice hrvatskih autora 16. stoljeća kao izvori podataka o tursko-osmanlijskoj glazbi. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Fábián É, Juhász Z.  2018.  Tatros partján : gyimesbükki daloskönyv . :70+1CD.
Jefferies G.  2018.  Time flowing backwards. :300.
Jorgensen I.  2018.  Where's my room : the Neil & Liam Finn summer 2018 tour of Aotearoa. :306pages.
