Recent Publications in Music
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Music - Media - History : Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media /. volume 44:1onlineresource(300pages).
2021. The musical world of Marie-Antionette : opera and ballet in 18th century Paris and Versailles /. :vii,258pages:.
2021. Navigating music technology . 28:255pages:.
2021. Nenes' Koza dabasa : Okinawa in the world music market /. :1onlineresource..
2021. Paris and the musical : the city of light on stage and screen /. :1onlineresource(xvi,398pages):.
2021. Popular is not enough : the political voice of Joan Baez : a case study in the biographical method /. :258pages;.
2021. .
2021. The Routledge handbook to sociology of music education . :538pages:.
2021. The Routledge handbook to sociology of music education . :1onlineresource(xxv,511pages):.
2021. Sicherheit - Risiko - Freiheit : Fragen der (Un-)Sicherheit in der Komposition, Aufführung, Rezeption und Programmierung neuer Musik /. 2019:1onlineresource(174page):.
2021. Sicherheit - Risiko - Freiheit : Fragen der (Un-)Sicherheit in der Komposition, Aufführung, Rezeption und Programmierung neuer Musik /. 2019:1onlineresource(174page):.
2021. Swing : en musikalsk selvbiografi. :445sider:.
2021. .
2021. Tóalmási népdalok . :231.
2021. 1800 előtti magyarországi katolikus népénekek és énekeskönyvek szakirodalmi bibliográfiája 2020-ig. Lelkiségtörténeti bibliográfiák . 3:146.
2022. Ain't but a few of us : black music writers tell their story /. :1onlineresource(312pages).
2022. Charlie's good tonight : the life, the times, and the Rolling Stones : the authorized biography of Charlie Watts /. :xxiii,344pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. .
2022. Coproduction : collaboration in music production /. :1onlineresource..
2022. .
2022. .
2022. .
2022. A Framework for Teaching Music Online . :1onlineresource(240pages).
2022. .
2022. Historical dictionary of Russian music . :xliii,517pages;.