Recent Publications in Music

385 resultats trouvés
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Ferenc R.  2020.  Jöjjetek, örvendezzünk az Úrnak!. :110.
Fariza P.  2020.  La vida encontrada de Encarnación López, "La Argentinita". :230p..
Ross A, Fuchs D.  2020.  Listen to this über Musik. 00380:431Seiten.
Fano M.  2020.  Lulu, et après? :180pages:.
Fanni H, Klára K, Ágnes K, János BMáté.  2020.  "Mestereknek gyengyének" : ünnepi kötet Madas Edit hetvenedik születésnapjára. :684.
Fanning D, Hagestedt J.  2020.  Mieczysław Weinberg Auf der Suche nach Freiheit. :248Seiten.
Foster-Peters K-J.  2020.  Music : ideas and activities for ages 7-14 /. :1volume:.
Frenz B, J. Robinson B.  2020.  Music to silence to music : a biography of Henry Grimes /. :1onlineresource.
Farrell I, Mann K.  2020.  Music unlimited : the performer's guide to new audiences /. :1onlineresource..
Friedberg J, Applin C.  2020.  Music with babies and young children : activities to encourage bonding, communication and wellbeing /. :1volume:.
Friedberg J, Applin C.  2020.  Music with babies and young children : activities to encourage bonding, communication and wellbeing /. :1onlineresource:.
Selvik RM, Gladsø S, Fiskvik AMargrete.  2020.  Performing arts in changing societies : opera, dance, and theatre in European and Nordic countries around 1800 /. :1volume:.
Fauser A.  2020.  The politics of musical identity : selected essays /. :1volume.
Frühauf T.  2020.  Postmodernity's musical pasts . :1volume:.
Frühauf T.  2020.  Postmodernity's musical pasts . :1onlineresource:.
Alleyne M, Fairclough-Isaacs K.  2020.  Prince and popular music : critical perspectives on an interdisciplinary life /. :1volume;.
Fenton K.  2020.  Puccini's La fanciulla del West and the American musical identity . :1onlineresource..
Fischlin D., Heble A., Heble Eby. Edited.  2020.  Rebel Musics, Volume 2 Human Rights, Resistant Sounds, and the Politics of Music Making.. :1onlineresource(290p.).
Reinhardt M, Gschwandtner H, Annuss E, Fuhrich E, Wolf NChristian.  2020.  Regiebuch zu Hugo von Hofmannsthals Jedermann . :2volumes(244,328pages):.
Fitch F.  2020.  Renaissance polyphony . :1volume..
Heydon R, Fancourt D, Cohen AJ.  2020.  The Routledge companion to interdisciplinary studies in singing. . :1volume:.
Levi E., Fanning D.  2020.  The Routledge Handbook to Music under German Occupation, 1938-1945 : Propaganda, Myth and Reality /. :1onlineresource(xxii,550pages):.
Moesbol J.  2020.  Sanghoandbogen : en praesentation af sangene i Hojskolesangbogens 19. udgave. :590sider;.
Floyd R.  2020.  The seven deadly sins of music making . :190pages:.
Franke L.  2020.  Skönt från själ till själ det ljöd : Svenska Missionsförbundets musikaliska historia : berättad genom Gunno och Axel Söderstens gärningar....
